
This study aimed to determine the extent of phosphate solubilizing bacteria resistant to salinity and still be able to provide P for paddy plant. Research using completely randomized design with fertilizer treatments:
(A) Bakteri Aerobacter aerogenes + Azotobacter indicus (B) Bakteri Bacillus thuringiensis + B. megaterium
+ Pseudomonas fluorescens, (C) Bakteri Nocardia mesentrica + Spirillum lipoferum, (D) Mix bakteri Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus thuringiensis, B. megaterium, Nocardia mesentrica, Aerobacter aerogenes, Spirillum lipoferum, dan Azotobacter indicus, and (E) control (whitout inoculant), and salinity (NaCl): (1) 0% (0 grams / 7 kg soil), (2) 0.1% (7 grams / 7 kg soil), (3) 0.2% (14 g / 7 kg soil), (4) 0.3% (21 g / 7 kg soil), and (5) 0 , 4% (28 g / 7 kg soil). Thirty and one hundred days after transplanting (DAT), and then measured plant height, number of tillers, number and dry weight of whole grain paddy. The results showed that 0,1 % (7 gram/7 kg tanah) salinity is very good for the growth, activity and effectiveness of phosphate solubilizing bacteria and production of paddy, but 0.4% salinity (28 gr/7kg land) is still safe on the growth, activity and effectiveness of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescens, Bacillus thuringiensis,
B. megaterium, Nocardia mesentrica, Aerobacter aerogenes, spirillum lipoferum and Azotobacter indicus) as biofertilizer or growth promoting rhizobacteria on growth and production of paddy.

Keywords: Salinity, Phosphate solubilizing bacteria, Paddy

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