Consumption Behavior and Willingness to Pay for Fruit Drinks in Bangkok Metropolitan Area


The purpose of this research was to study consumer behaviors, willingness to pay and the factors affecting willingness to pay for ready-to-drink fruit drinks less than 25% with the certified quality assurance system by using contingent valuation method (CVM) for consumers in Bangkok. The results from double-bounded dichotomous choice found that the consumers were willing to pay for fruit drinks less than 25% with GMP certification at 15.22 baht/bottle and 15.58 baht/bottle for fruit drinks less than 25% with HACCP certification. Factors that affected the consumer’s willingness to pay were education, income and attitudes about product that have been certified.


Keywords: Contingent Valuation Method; Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choice; Fruit Juice; Willingness to Pay; Quality Control