Hispathology of Coronary artery of male rat (Ratus Norvegicus) with high fat diet after being given ethanol extract of Indian acalypha (Acalipha indica. L)


This research aims to know the effect of ethanol extract of Indian acalypha (Acalipha indica L) to histopathology of coronary artery of  male rat (Ratus norvegicus) with high fat diet. Twenty male rats (Rattus Norvegicus) males aged 3-5 months with mean weight 200 grams were divided into 5 groups and 4 replications. Group 1 (negative control) was only given standard feed and distilled on ad libidum. Four groups (Positive control, Treatment 1, 2 and 3) were made hypercholesterolaemia by administering 1 mL peroral pork oil for 56 days. On day 14, the cholesterol levels were checked. After hypercholesterolaemia, from day 15 to day 56, each group was given ethanol extract of Indian acalypha  peroral with a dose of 200 g / kg BW (P1), 400 g / kg BW (P2) and 800 g / kgBW (P3), whereas the positive control groups were not given ethanol extract of Indian acalypha. On day 57, the dying rat was dissected for the removal of the cardiac organ and the making of coronary artery histopathological preparation. Data on histopathologic observation of coronary artery were analyzed by the Kruskal Wallis test, and if there was a significant difference between treatment groups (p <0.05), then it continued with the Mann-Whitney test. The results showed that in infiltration of fat cells and endothelial cells that experienced damage treatment P1, P2, and P3 which were given extracts of Indian acalypha experienced decrease compared to positive control treatment groups. The result of statistical test of fat cells and endothelial cells in the coronary artery that experienced damage showed significant differences between treatment groups (p <0.05), whereas in the statistical test of coronary artery foam cells showed no significant differences between treatment groups (P> 0 , 05). From the research, it can be concluded that ethanol extract of Indian acalypha (Acalipha indica L) can improve histopathology coronary artery of rat fed high fat diet.



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