The Economic Value of Restaurant Food Waste in Bogor


Food loss occurs in urban area restaurants, including in Bogor. The consumption activity in restaurants sometimes produces food waste, including of rice, vegetables or side dishes. The research objectives were (1) To identify the restaurant food-wasting process in Bogor, and (2) To estimate the amount and economic value of restaurant food waste in Bogor. The Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 19-3964-1994 about Sampling and Measurement Method and Composition of Urban Waste was used for sampling. Food waste in restaurants occurs from sellers and customers. The unsold food waste of restaurants in Bogor was predominately rice. The occurrence of rice waste was due to large cooking portions and the drying of rice during cooking, making it unable to consume. The food waste produced from unconsumed food by customers included rice and side dishes, such as meat, chicken and fish. Some reasons for food waste occurrence from visitor consumption were unpreferred food taste, large food portion and low appetite. The annual rice waste from unsold and unconsumed food in restaurants in Bogor was 29,742.84 kg or Rp 356,914,080. The annual amounts of meat, chicken, and fish waste are 14,780kg, 28,500kg and 8,460 kg, respectively. The economic value of meat, chicken and fish waste is Rp 1,655,640,000, Rp 712,480,000 and Rp 253,711,500, respectively.

Keywords: consumption, the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 19-3964- 1994, urban waste, consumption chain, weight conversion factor

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