The Influence of Enterprise Risk Management, Leverage, Firm Size and Profitability on Firm Value in Property and Real Estate Companies Listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange in 2016-2018


The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of enterprise risk management (ERM) disclosure, leverage, firm size and profitability on firm value, which is proxied by Tobin’s Q. High corporate value can reflect the shareholders’ wealth. This study used the Indonesian Capital Market Directory (ICMD). The sample included 32 companies, chosen with nonprobability purposive sampling. This study used a quantitative approach with descriptive analysis methods and panel data regression to test hypotheses using the Eviews 10 application. ERM disclosure, leverage and profitability had a positive and significant influence on firm value, while firm size had a negative influence on firm value. The implication of this research is that where ERM has a positive influence on firm value, it is good for companies to increase ERM disclosure, because the company will be considered to have managed its risks well. Debt policy variables that are proxied by the Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) and profitability proxied by ROA had a positive effect on firm value. That is, a higher value of DER was followed by an increase in the percentage of Return On Assets (ROA), which increased the firm’s value. However, the company’s size variable which was proxied by Ln Total Assets had a negative effect on the value of the company, which indicated that investors dislike company assets that are too high and that are not offset by high profits.

Keywords: enterprise risk management, leverage, firm size, profitability, firm value

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