The Influence of Financial Literacy, Financial Attitude and Locus of Control on Financial Satisfaction: Evidence From the Community in Jakarta


Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of financial literacy, financial attitude and locus of control on financial satisfaction. The sample was collected using a non-probability method through purposive sampling. The 146 participants were stock investors. Data were analyzed using the SEM- PLS method with the Smart PLS 3.2.8 application. Financial literacy had a significant effect on financial satisfaction, which shows that people who have knowledge of finance will achieve a level of satisfaction in planning and managing personal finances. Financial attitude had a significant effect on financial satisfaction, indicating that financial attitude will influence people’s behavior in making decisions. Locus of control had a significant effect on financial satisfaction, which shows that people who have good control will have satisfaction in planning, managing and making personal financial decisions.

Keywords: financial literacy, financial attitude, locus of control, financial satisfaction

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