Changes in Tenant Layout in an Effort to Increase Turnover at the Convention Hall Culinary Center (CH-Kuliner) Surabaya


This study examined the impact of layout changes or re-layout on the turnover of the tenants at the Culinary Center Convention Hall (SKCH) Surabaya. The aspects studied concerned spatial purpose and layout functions. Spatial purpose included area expansion, ease of access and lighting, and equalization considerations for tenants. Layout functions included the variable of SKCH’s location. The four variables support layout changes, thus increasing the turnover of the tenants in SKCH. A descriptive qualitative method was used. The study included all 25 tenants who were in SKCH before and after the re-layout. Each aspect indirectly brought a positive influence on the increase in turnover of the majority of tenants at SKCH, with the purpose aspect of spatial layout increasing the turnover of 64% of tenants and the aspect of layout function increasing the turnover of 92% of tenants.

Keywords: layout change, culinary center, spatial purpose, layout functions, tenant, stand, consumer, re-layout

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