Analysis of Marketing Mix and Purchasing Decisions (a Study of Kene Kopi Products)


The rapid growth of coffee shops in recent years has made competition fiercer. Consumer behavior in decision-making is influenced by several factors including product, price, location, and promotion. Kene Kopi is one of the famous coffee shops in Gresik. This study aimed to investigate what caused the increase and decrease (instability) of Kene Kopi sales turnover in January to October 2019 among the proliferation of coffee shops in Gresik. This study analyzed the effect of the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion) on decisions to purchase Kene Kopi products in Gresik. This research used a quantitative approach with a questionnaire as the method of collecting data. There was a sample of 97 respondents. Data analysis was through multiple linear regression, using SPSS. Product, price, location and promotion significantly positively affected decisions to purchase Kene Kopi products. Therefore, the manager of Kene Kopi should develop and maintain existing products and offer prices and values in accordance with the quality provided so that Kene Kopi can compete with other shops.

Keywords: product, price, place, promotion, purchasing decision

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