The Influence of Marketing Mix on Decisions to Purchase UD Utama Karya Products


The performance of the furniture industry in Indonesia is fluctuating. The furniture trend has been changing quickly. The number of furniture companies has been increasing, so competition has also increased. UD Utama Karya is a family furniture business which produces antique-classic and minimalist designs. It serves customers in Indonesia, specifically the eastern part of Indonesia. This company was established in 1999. The aim of this research was to determine the influence of the marketing mix on decisions to purchase UD Utama Karya products. This research used a quantitative approach and data were collected with an online questionnaire using Google Forms. There was a sample of 61 and participants were customers of UD Utama Karya in Pasuruan City. Participants were recruited from the internal data of this company, using the Slovin Formula. Product, price and promotions influenced decisions to purchase UD Utama Karya products, but place did not.

Keywords: marketing mix, purchase decision, UD Utama Karya

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