The Effect of Digital Marketing and Service Quality on Consumer Brand Choice of HandmadeShoesby


Handmadeshoesby focuses its strategy on digital marketing. This is because 90% of the target consumers of Handmadeshoesby are Millennials. Thus digital marketing is the marketing and sales communication choice for the target audience of Handmadeshoesby. Handmadeshoesby’s focus is also on service quality. So far, Handmadeshoesby has communicated via digital marketing through an Instagram account @handmadeshoesby with followers reaching 510,000, and @ handmadeshoesby.catalog with followers of 276,000. Service to consumers is done by line account administrators. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of digital marketing and service quality on Handmadeshoesby’s brand choice. The study used a quantitative approach. Because the total population of consumers is unknown, the determination of the minimum sample size followed Hair (2014: 100), where the minimum sample generally needed for multivariate calculations is 50. A questionnaire was used to collect the data. Data analysis involved multiple linear regression analysis, classic assumption tests, and hypothesis tests. The results showed that digital marketing and service quality had a significant positive effect on the brand choice of Handmadeshoesby products.

Keywords: digital marketing, service quality, brand choice

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