Analysis of Social Identity and Co-Creation Activities on the Behavior of Members of Coffee Enhancement Communities in KisahKitaNgopi Café


The existence of a community will have an impact on the community brand being carried. Participation and recommendations of members depend on the identification of community members. Social identification has an impact on co-creation activities by exchanging knowledge among community members. The community targeted in this study was the Komunitas Penikmat kopi who interacted at Café KisahKitaNgopi. The purpose of this study was: 1) to analyze how social identity influences the co-creation activities by coffee connoisseur community members in the KisahKitaNgopi Café; 2) to analyze how co-creation affects the intentions of the coffee connoisseurs in the Story of Coffee Café; and 3) to analyze how social identity influences the intentions of the Komunitas Penikmat kopi at the Story Cafe. Research subjects were members of the Komunitas Penikmat kopi in Surabaya and Sidoarjo who were customers at Café KisahKitaNgopi during the data collection period and could be contacted to fill out the questionnaire and recommend other community members as respondents. There were 170 respondents. Hypothesis testing was carried out using Structural Equation Modelling using AMOS. Results of the study: 1) social identity had a significant positive effect on the co-creation activities of coffee connoisseurs at KisahKitaNgopi Café; 2) co-creation activities had a significant positive effect on the intentions of the Komunitas Penikmat kopi in the Story of Cafe Kopi; 3) social identity had a significant positive effect on intentions in the Komunitas Penikmat kopi at the Story of Cafe Kopi.

Keywords: social identity, joint creation, intention to behave, community

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