Blue Ocean Strategy of the Srikandi Organizer


The Srikandi Organizer arranges, prepares, and creates wedding parties in Surabaya, Indonesia. The purpose of this research was to formulate a blue ocean strategy as a competitive advantage that could be applied at The Srikandi Organizer. This research used descriptive qualitative research methods. Data were collected through interviews, documentation, observation and from the literature. Purposive sampling was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four selected informants: two founding members of the company, one client of the company, and one competitor of the company. This study evaluated the Business Model Canvas, Canvas Strategy and Four Action Framework to determine the blue ocean strategy of The Srikandi Organizer. The blue ocean strategy gave a competitive advantage to The Srikandi Organizer by innovating in arranging bundling packages with other wedding event vendors and making attractive promo packages.

Keywords: strategic innovation, wedding organizer, business model canvas, blue ocean strategy

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