The Impact of Information Technology on Family Values Transformation


This research explains the impact of Contemporary Information Technology Application Progress (CITA-P), WhatsApp/WA application, in transforming the family values from face-to-face contact (Emotional and Personal Value or EPV) to non-personal contact (Pragmatic Value or PV). It uses quasi-experimental design conducted by pre-test, treatment, and post-test in Hagen lineage (HaL) as Experiment Group (EG). Then it compares by Control Group (CG) with the Limited-Treatment (L-T) by phone, Short Message Service/SMS, and Facebook/Fb in Sumer lineage (SuL). Data were collected by sending the Eid messages. Respondent consisted of HaL and SuL members. Contemporary treatment is manipulated by CITA-P at the HaL member. Findings showed that CITA-P has positive impact to transform the EPV toward PV, as indicated by significant increase in the larger IT-P score in the EG than the L-T effect in CG before and after implementing it.

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