Mindset Change as a Social Media Impact in Yoon’s Everything, Everything


Social media has a big influence on social life. This is portrayed in Nicola Yoon’s novel Everything, Everything. The protagonist uses media social to build her hope as a social human being. The protagonist suffers from Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease (SCID). The disease prevents her from communicating and from even having a friend besides her mother and her nurse. Consequently, she uses email as a communication tool to establish her relationship with her lover since they cannot meet in person. Of course, such communication impacts the protagonist. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the impact of social media by applying a narrative approach. The data were obtained by collecting the parts of the story in the novel. The stories which demonstrate the impact of social media in the novel were identified. The results showed that the protagonist experiences stages of mindset change which are impacted by the use of social media with both positive and negative sides.

Keywords: mindset, social media, social media impact, collision

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