Liberal Feminism in Ika Natassa’s Novel Critical Eleven


This study aimed to reveal the liberal feminism in Ika Natassa’s novel, Critical Eleven. This study applied liberal feminism as proposed by Lewis (2018) who claims that liberal feminism focuses on the issues of woman’s equality in the workplace, education and political rights. This study used qualitative methods since it involved the characteristics of qualitative procedures of analysis (Creswell, 2009). The main data were collected from the novel, and the supporting data were taken from books, journals and websites dealing with the subject matter of this research. Therefore, this study is categorized as a library research study as is noted by Herbert (1990: 18) who claims that a library research study is research to collect ideas and theories and to report empirical data within scholarship in the library. The research results show that of the three issues foccused on in liberal feminism as proposed by Lewis (2018), those of woman’s equality in the workplace and education are vividly reflected in the novel by the character named Anya who had a prestigious education (she is a Georgetown University graduate) and also has a good career as a management consultant. Equality in political rights is not found in the novel.

Keywords: Feminism, Liberal Feminism, Women, Equality in Education, Equality in the Workplace

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