Diglossic Situation in Rainbow Rowell’s Novel Eleanor & Park


This study concerned the diglossic situation in Rainbow Rowell’s Eleanor & Park, written in 2016. It aimed to describe the use of two different varieties of English in the novel, that is, H (high) variety and L (low) variety of the language. These varieties were found in terms of function, prestige, lexicon (vocabulary) and grammar used by some of the characters in the novel when speaking to each other. The results showed that, in terms of function, the recitation or reading of a poem by one of the characters was conducted in H (high) variety. The H (high) variety used was more prestigious. In terms of grammar, the H (high) variety was also used by a teacher when appreciating his female student who had just recited or read the poem. Some of the words or lexicons used by some of the other characters of the novel were in the form of L (low) varieties. The analysis was conducted through the qualitative research methods proposed by Creswell (2009: 4) who explained that this type of research method is a means for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem.

Keywords: diglossic situation, high variety, low variety

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