Gender-Based Character Improvement of Listening Study With Social Media in Schools


The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an influence of gender in the use of social media for listening learning in students of SMK Dharma Analitika. This was field research. This research used a descriptive method because the researchers wanted to describe the condition of students in gender-based learning that takes place at SMK Dharma Analitika as a whole, broadly, and deeply, in classroom learning activities, the use of social media, student learning behavior, and the methods and media used in learning. There was an effect of gender on the listening study of the students in SMK Dharma Analitika, shown by the significant difference in assignment results between the male and female students. Female students used social media more often than male students so female students were more confident in completing their assignments. The research found an improvement in gender-based character: male students were willing to give the role of female students to show themselves and their greatness, because they thought that female students would be better if they were given the confidence to do the task in front of the screen, whereas a male student prefers to complete the task behind-the scenes in doing video assignments for listening subjects.

Keywords: Gender, Character, Listening, Social Media

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