Conflicts in Arafat Nur’s Novel Tanah Surga Merah: Freud’s Psychological Approach


This study focuses on revealing the conflicts in the novel Tanah Surga Merah written by Arafat Nur. The research uses the conflict theory proposed by Cascio (2005). The conflict theory consists of internal conflict and external conflict. In analyzing the conflict, the author uses a psychological approach proposed by Sigmund Freud. This research is conducted by applying the descriptive approach proposed by Khotari (2004). The data are solely derived from the novel Tanah Surga Merah. The research findings show that there are three quotations of internal conflict and four of the external conflict. Two quotations consist of man vs man, and two quotations consist of man vs society conflicts. Concerning Freud’s psychological criticism, ego dominates the personality of the protagonist, which causes internal conflict. Moreover, in the external conflict, id dominates the personality of the protagonist, which causes external conflict. Based on the findings, the id causes conflict in internal conflict and external conflict in the novel.

Keywords: conflicts, psychoanalytic criticism, internal conflict, external conflict

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