Local Wisdom of Dayok Binatur in the Simalungun Community


This research is concerned with the local wisdom of Dayok Binatur in the Simalungun community. Local wisdom is a collection of knowledge, practices and beliefs that evolved through adaptive process (adjustment) passed from generation to generation through culture, associated with the relationship between living beings (including humans) and the surrounding environment (Berkes, 1993). In the Simalungun community, Dayok Binatur is made from chicken and arranged on a plate. It is used as a symbol of intermediary to convey a message, advice and hope delivered from one side of the family to the other and usually presented at the Simalungun community’s traditional and special events. This research was conducted using qualitative descriptive methods. The results show that there are ten parts of chicken meat called gori, namely the head (ulu), neck (borgok), breast (tuppak), left and right wing (habong), base of thigh (tulan bolon), thigh (tulan parnamur), leg (kais-kais), the egg-producing organ (tuahni), liver (bilalang), and tail (ihur). Four objects are used, such as the head (ulu), neck (borgok), wing (hahong), and leg (kais-kais), which carry cultural symbols and local wisdom. The head (ulu) refers to leadership; the neck (borgok) refers to problem solving; the wings (habong) refers to protection; and the leg (kais-kais) refers to responsibility. The local wisdoms in Dayok Binatur are needed to maintain the balance of life.

Keywords: Local Wisdom, Simalungun, Dayok Binatur

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