Text Writing Using Motion Picture


This research aimed to determine whether the use of motion picture as media has a significant effect on students’ abilities in writing text. The research design was quantitative. The sample consisted of students in 12th grade at 11 Medan, a state senior high school, in the 2019/2020 study year. It was based on the basic competency of the 2013 curriculum. The students were grouped into two groups (an experimental group and a control group). The groups each consisted of 36 students. The experimental group was taught by using motion pictures for text writing and the control group was taught by using the teacher’s method. The data were collected by giving a pretest and posttest to both groups. The results of the students that used motion picture were higher than of those taught without motion picture. A t-test was used to analyze the data, which showed that using motion pictures had a significant effect on the students’ writing ability.

Keywords: Writing, text procedure, motion pictures

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