Teaching the Native and Foreign Language at High School Using the Possibilities of Case Linguistics


Corpus linguistics is a modern direction in the field of linguistics, which involves the accumulation of texts in this language with grammatical markup and the possibility of advanced search. The corpus implies the possibility of quick implementation of statistical sampling for any period of interest to the researcher, as well as the collection and analysis of contexts for the use of the studied word or group of words. The ability to collect corpuses of texts and use them is inextricably linked with the technical progress of the second half of the twentieth century: in fact, Internet search engines use the technology of intelligent search, largely due to the achievements of corpus linguistics. The possibilities of the various languages collecting corpuses are practically not mastered in the teaching of both the native and foreign languages. This article proposes an option to use the capabilities of the National Corpus of the Russian Language and the British Corpus in order to motivate students and perform mini-linguistic research. The indicated technology has been repeatedly tested at bachelors and masters of linguistic and philological specialties with a positive result. The introduction of interaction with the corpus of texts into classes positively affects both the students’ research competence and the development of skills in mastering modern technologies and the capabilities of the digital society. The mini-studies can even be conducted by first-year bachelors, since they do not require deep linguistic knowledge. When presenting the results of their research, students can go on to compare and research the received statistical data. When mastering both a foreign and a native language, working with the corpus makes it possible to look at words from a new angle and demonstrate the relationship between the history of society and the history of words.

Keywords: Teaching methodology, corpus linguistics, foreign language, native language

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