Theoretical Basis for the Issue of the Influence of Cultural Values on the Intercultural Communication Development in Modern Society


This article considers the influence of cultural values on intercultural communication development in modern society. It focuses on the theoretical issues of intercultural communication and the degree of influence of cultural elements on its development. The authors note the interrelation between the modern system of intercultural communication development and the cultural model of society. The intercultural communication development implies a close “interaction of cultures” and communication among different nations. According to the authors, the intercultural context identifies the concepts of “interaction” and “communication”. The problem under discussion is of importance due to the identification of the degree to which culture influences the modern system of intercultural communication development. The article considers the mechanism of the influence of cultural values of individual nations on the development of intercultural communication of a person and the ways of its reflection in modern society. Based on the studies of researchers such as A.P. Sadokhina, T.G. Grushevitskaya [8], Wilhelm von Humboldt [9] and others, the article describes various levels of influence of cultural values on the interrelation of nations. The authors deal with the problems of interaction, borrowing, understanding, perception of cultural values characteristic of a certain nation and those attributed to other ones, as well as intercultural conflicts and their solution, phenomena of ethnocentrism and cultural diffusion in the process of intercultural communication development in modern society. The authors number the problems of affective reaction and adaptation among the main problems of intercultural communication development in modern society. They also raise a current issue of cultural globalization and the idea of global culture. The article aims at identifying the degree to which cultural values influence the intercultural communication development in modern society. In order to achieve the aim, the authors set the following tasks: — to analyze the theoretical issues of the influence of cultural values on the intercultural communication development; — to identify the particular features of the influence of cultural values on the intercultural communication development. The interaction between a language and culture of a certain nation is considered as an essential component of the intercultural communication development. The authors accept the view that the linguistic system and cultural values are the main carriers of information about history, traditions, religion and other spheres of the people’s existence. The authors emphasize the mandatory participation of a language and culture in the intercultural communication development. In conclusion, using the formula, the authors confirm the theory of the influence of cultural values on the intercultural communication development in modern society.

Keywords: communication, development, culture, modern society, individual

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