Dehumanization of a Human: Abstraction or Reality?


This article focuses on the topic of society digitalization in terms of the negative impact of innovative technologies on the value and citizens’ cognitive potential. Authors pay special attention to the problems facing the system of higher education. The authors’ argumentation is supported by data analysis of publications from well-known websites (including the Times Higher Education, University World News, and All-Russian Internet Pedagogical Council), as well as interviews with students, university staff and personal observations. The survey has shown that the functioning of universities today is complicated by the phenomena known in modern science as functional illiteracy, or ‘digital dementia’ aggressive disinformation. The development and improvement of methods using by society and academic community aimed at enhancing the information content quality that affects intellectual capital of citizens and intensify the efforts of education subjects in the process of eliminating the consequences of the global bureaucratic structures infringement of academic rights and freedoms.

Keywords: digitalization of education, Universities, digital dementia, value and cognitive potential of citizens, aggressive disinformation

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