Modern Sociocultural Practices in the Field of Fashion Consumption: The Main Youth Trends


This article presents the results of research conducted by in Yekaterinburg in 2018– 2019. Data collection methods include a questionnaire survey (504 respondents), an in-depth interview (21 informants), and a semi-formalized interview (20 informants). The study involved young people from 16 to 30 years and experts in fashion — stylists, designers, buyers, and consultants of stores of various segments. The aim of the study was to identify new trends in the field of fashion consumption among young people. According to the results of the study, «the digital turn» has the greatest impact on modern practices in the field of fashion consumption among youth. Modern digital fashion media, such as blogs, are crowding out established elements of fashion structure such as fashion magazines. The greatest authority in the field of fashion consumption for young people is not fashion experts, but bloggers, celebrities and successful people around them. According to the data, most young people do not have enough money to dress in the same brands as trendsetters. Consuming fashionable goods, young people replace broadcast trending things with cheaper analogues: mass brands and the market segment fakes of luxury things. Online shopping is becoming popular for young people. Most rarely, young people can afford premium and luxury brands. The quality of clothing is not an important characteristic for youth’s fashion. The most important condition for the purchase of a thing is trendy and pretentious of clothing. In general, it is important for young people to follow fashion and learn new trends. The majority of young people believe that following fashion will make them more successful.

Keywords: fashion, youth, consumption, digital turn, blog

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