Higher Education As a Tool to Build the Cultural and Intellectual Potential of Managers


The article reveals the methodological aspects of training a new generation of managers in universities. In modern conditions in higher education theoretical and practical education of managers is required, as well as formation of their professional culture demonstrated in developed soft skills. However, in Russian society the traditional type of managerial culture prevails, which is demonstrated in spontaneous recruitment. As a scientific-theoretical and methodological basis of this research, the authors use system, dialectical, activity, phenomenological approaches, methods of applied sociological research. The article justifies that the effectiveness of management is associated with the level of development of intellectual potential of managerial personnel and its improvement is carried out through the implementation of professional, innovative, moral, information sub potential. Modern university training of managerial personnel reflects the contradiction between the traditional model of education and new requirements of the society, connected with modernization processes. Growing public intellectual activity requires managers to create new forms, methods and mechanisms of management. In these conditions, one of the mechanisms of management is a purposeful construction of managerial culture of young people as a future subject of management in the system of higher education. The development of the ability to improve internally is an important task of modern Russian management. The principle of subject-subject vertical and horizontal relations in knowledge management implies a shift of emphasis to self-organization. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account not only learning opportunities, but also self-learning. Academic training for management activities includes a combination of research and applied activities supplemented by the study of disciplines with a social and humanitarian orientation. In this connection, there is a need to train a new generation of professional managers capable of innovations, creative, constructive management activities, which are based on a fundamentally different culture of education management and personnel policy.

Keywords: intellectual potential, culture, knowledge, management, higher education, professional training of managers

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