Development of Online Master's Degree Course in Education Digitalization Conditions: On BSU Experience


This article presents a study of the development of the online master’s degree course at Belgorod National Research University (BSU) in a context of education digitalization in Russia. It demonstrates the successful introduction of the frameworks of intensity, scalability, and a modular approach to learning, asynchrony, interactivity, automation, openness, and adaptability. We consider the online master’s course as an open information and learning environment that is designed for effective management and monitoring of the educational process. The online master’s degree course at BSU aims to create a flexible and adaptive educational system that meets the needs of the digital economy and ensures the fullest use of the didactic potential of digital technologies. It is proved that to ensure high-quality assimilation of the master’s degree program, the managers of the educational process need to provide pedagogical support to learners. The basis for effective development of online master’s degree course is in availability of online courses (MOOC) placed on online platforms; formation of students’ ICT competence; application of interactive teaching methods; motivational readiness for self-education; readiness of teachers to interact online; available on-line maintenance in the educational process and the possibility of computer networks/Wi-Fi. According to the study, the conditions for the effective development of online master’s degree course in higher education allow: ensuring the personalization of the educational process; involving each student in learning activities; motivating learners at all stages of the learning process; providing the continuous personalized monitoring of students’ learning achievements, giving the prompt feedback to students; ensuring the availability of educational programs for learners who live in remote areas, as well as those with disabilities.

Keywords: continuing education digitalization, online learning, e-learning, online master’s degree course, cyberculture, MOOC

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