School from Home during COVID-19 Pandemic, a Descriptive Study: Effectivity of Learning towards High School Students in West Sumatra


COVID-19 pandemic has forced several countries to manage regulations in order to minimize the spread of virus. Learning from home, or school from home (SFH) is one of the responses towards COVID-19. This study aims to explore the effectivity of SFH in West Sumatra. This study uses descriptive quantitative research survey design. The effectivity of SFH measures by using 9 aspects related to teaching practices: communicating effectively, guiding students’ knowledge, promoting individual learning, engaging students with content, ensuring content accessibility, maintaining academic integrity, keeping the course a safe place, meeting students’ needs, and scaffolding. Statistical analysis uses to explore the effectivity of learning during SFH. Results indicates that averagely subjects perceived that all aspects have fulfilled by school teachers (M= 2.7-3.2). Its can concludes that SFH is quite effective for student in West Sumatera. On the other hand, open-ended questionnaire showed the overview of the implementation SFH during initial months of pandemic. 53.3% of learning are using WhatsApp, television (TVRI; 2.3%), Google Meet (8.2%), Zoom (6.5%), and other media (29.5%). Moreover, all subjects preferred face-to-face learning than online learning. Majority of subjects (30.7%) suggested online learning to be more creative and attractive, and using easy to understand methods (27%). Implications are suggested for the field of teachers or educational sectors in creating online education programs to reach optimal learning.

Keywords: school-from home, online-teaching, learning effectiveness

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