Academic Resilience of “Bidik Misi” Grantee Students in Malang During Pandemic Covid-19


Academic resilience can be understood as a student’s ability to respond, adapt, and remain persistent in difficult situations. Current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of life, including the learning method. This situation led to impossibility to gather in large numbers in one place, making learning to be held by distance through online media. However, online learning in fact also causes its stressors for students especially “Bidik Misi grantee” students in such problems as internet bills issues, networks, and most importantly understanding of the material presented by the lecturer from different location. The purpose of this research is to know the description of the academic resilience of Bidik Misi grantee students in Malang during the Covid-19 pandemic using online approach in lectures. The data collection method was done through a questionnaire via google form with 61 Bidik Misi grantee as respondents. The instrument in this study used the resilience instrument from Cassidy (2016), the results of the study showed that only 1 subject had very high academic resilience, 21 subjects had high academic resilience, 25 subjects had moderate academic resilience,9 subjects had low resilience and 5 subjects had very low academic resilience.

Keywords: resilience, Bidik Misi grantee students, pandemic era

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