The Relationship Between Phubbing and Romantic Relationship Satisfaction: A Literature Review


This study examined the relationship between phubbing and romantic relationship satisfaction in dating couples. Research on the topic of discussing the relationship between phubbing and romantic relationship satisfaction is rarely conducted in Indonesia. Research carried out abroad focuses on the satisfaction of romantic relationships in marriage couples, not dating couples. Therefore, a research that discusses phubbing and romantic relationship satisfaction in dating couples is needed. Two variables are still considered new in the world of psychology. This study aims to determine the relationship between phubbing and romantic relationship satisfaction in dating couples. The method used in this study is a literature review in which presented various studies. In this research, presented several studies related to related aspects, namely phubbing and satisfaction romantic relationship. It was concluded that there was a relationship between phubbing and romantic relationship satisfaction among dating couples. In addition, we presented several studies related to the topic and related variables within the aspects. Further research is needed in order to know what variables are influenced and influenced.

Keywords: phubbing, romantic relationship, relationship satisfaction

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