The Anxiety Dynamics amongst the Elderly during the Covid-19 Pandemic


The elderly are the last stages of human development. In this condition, the elderly often suffer physical decline that may have little effect on their psychological conditions, including anxiety. The study deals with the dynamics of anxiety experienced by the elderly during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study is qualitative with a case study approach. The excavated aspects are somatic, cognitive, emotional and behavioural. The study involved three participants in the age span of 55-65. Participant 1 was 60 years old, participant 2 was 62 years old, participant 3 was 63 years old. The data-mining techniques of this study use one-meeting interviews with each participant. Observation and documentation are also used for gaining in-depth data. Data analysis techniques use driven theory and data triangulation to check the credibility of data. The results of this study indicate that the three participants experienced anxiety because of a news release about Covid-19. The suggestion from this study is to provide more attention and information to the elderly during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Keywords: anxiety, elderly, covid-19

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