Stop Academic Procrastination During Covid 19: Academic Procrastination Reduces Subjective Well-Being


Happiness is the life goal of everyone, including students. But in fact, some student behavior is not in line with the effort to get happiness. Academic Procrastination is one of them. The Covid-19 pandemic, which requires learning to be carried out online, appears to have increased academic procrastination, although there is no definite data about it. This study aims to determine the impact of academic procrastination on Subjective Well-Being. The design of this research is literature review. Researchers conducted a literature search regarding the academic procrastination and subjective well-being through Google Scholar and ScienceDirect. Hermeneutic techniques are used to analyze the literature according to the research objectives. The literature review results show that academic procrastination reduces Subjective Well-Being. The results of this literature review can be a warning to students not to do academic procrastination.

Keywords: Academic procrastination; Subjective well-being; Academic Procrastination During Covid-19

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