Sawang-sinawang: Focusing Illusion in Disability Context


In predicting the future (future forecasting), individuals tend to overestimate the impact they might experience if there is a significant change in one aspect of their life. This study seeks to determine the best strategy to reduce the focusing illusion that occurs when participants are asked to imagine a worse situation (disability setting). This study is a quantitative randomized controlled trial (RCT), comparing three defocusing illusion scenarios (concrete events, change for better and worse and time-weighted) and the effect on the level of quality of life (QoL) of the participants. The results of this study showed a significant effect between the three treatments on the quality of life. The ‘change for the better and worse’ scenario is shown to be more effective at reducing the effect of the focusing illusion.

Keywords: disability, future forecasting, focusing illusion, defocusing illusion

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