Religious Fundamentalism as the Predictor of Secondary Students’ Obedience to Authority During Pandemic


This study aims to evaluate the levels of SMPN 1 Ambulu Jember ( Junior High School 1 of Ambulu, Jember Regency) students’ obedience to authority, ascertain the levels of religious fundamentalism of the SMPN 1 Ambulu Jember students, and determine whether religious fundamentalism affects students’ obedience to authority. This study is quantitative predictive research, employing descriptive analysis and linear regression on the population of SMPN 1 Ambulu Jember students. The subjects were 139 students, chosen using proportional random sampling and simple random sampling. As for the instrumentals, the study used Obedient-Disobedient Tendency Scale with a reliability of 0.911 and Religious Fundamentalism Scale with a reliability of 0,758. The findings demonstrated that 52% of the subjects possess a low level of obedience to authority, whereas 55% of them have a high level of religious fundamentalism. The R-value obtained by the variable of hardiness on the variable of happiness was quite significant, namely 0.825. The R-square value of 0.680 also indicated that religious fundamentalism played a role in obedience to authority for 68% and 32% while having other factors as well. The significance value of 0.00 < 0.05 means that the research hypothesis is accepted.

Keywords: religious fundamentalism, obedience, students

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