Psychological Capital as a Predictor of Self Compassion Amongst those of Productive Age Unemployed During the Pandemic


This study aims to determine the psychological capital obtained by those of productive age with an unemployed status in Panggungrejo Village, Pasuruan City, evaluate the level of self-compassion these individuals, and finally examine whether psychological capital is a predictor of self-compassion. This study used descriptive and predictive methods and purposive sampling. The instruments used were the Compound PsyCap Scale (CPC-12) and the Self Compassion Scale Short Form (SCS-SF). The descriptive analysis uses categorization based on the T value, while hypothesis testing uses simple linear regression analysis techniques. This study resulted in the decision ho rejected with a significance value of 0.000, an R-value of 0.406, and an R square value of 0.165 which indicated that psychological capital contributed to the emergence of self-compassion by 16.5%.

Keywords: Psychological Capital, Self Compassion, Unemployment in the Productive Age

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