The Influence of Beauty Vloggers on Purchasing Decisions Involving Skin Care Products


In this pandemic era, beauty vloggers play a significant role, influencing consumer preferences and attitudes. This paper seeks to determine the impact of Reference Groups by beauty vloggers on the purchasing decisions by female students involving skin care products who follow beauty vloggers in Bekasi. The study uses correlational quantitative research, and the objective is to see the extent to which variations in a variable are related to one or more other variables based on the correlation coefficient. The respondent pool was comprised of 100 female students, obtained via purposive sampling. The results showed a significance of 0.000 <0.05. The value of R2 (R square) 0.290 shows the effect of X variable (reference groups) on Y variable (purchase decision) by 29%. The conclusion of this research is that beauty vloggers significantly influence the decision to buy skin care products.

Keywords: Beauty Vloggers, Purchase Decision, Reference Groups

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