The Effect of Empowerment and Compensation on Job Satisfaction of Academic Staff at Universitas Negeri Malang


Job satisfaction is not only determined by the amount of compensation provided, but can be influenced by other factors, namely employee empowerment. Salary, promotion, job security, working conditions, job independence, relationships with colleagues, relationships with superiors, and company characteristics. From this statement it can be described that in addition to compensation, empowerment is a factor that affects one’s job satisfaction. This research includes quantitative research with multiple regression. Data collection using a questionnaire and data analysis using multiple regression data analysis. The results showed that the effect of employee empowerment and compensation at Universitas Negeri Malang was quite significant. Empowerment of academic staff will be maximized if employees are given full trust to work, while providing maximum compensation according to employee expectations will result in employee job satisfaction.

Keywords: empowerment, compensation, job satisfaction

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