Religious Messages of Dikee Molod Verses during the Celebration of Maulid Nabi in Aceh Besar, Indonesia (A Case Study of Group Dikee Molod of Dayah Tgk Chik Digla)


This study focuses on ritual practice of dikee molod which is played by the Group of Dayah Tgk Chik Digla during the events surrounding the birthday of Prophet Muhammad PBUH in Aceh Besar. The study used qualitative methods with a public opinion survey approach. Data collection was done by comparing the data, categorisation, presenting data and making the inferences toward certain written information. The data validity is ensured by reading repeatedly (validity semantic), referring to the document sources and colleague discussion. By employing the approach of concept of ritual practice, this study emphasises that the verses (syair) of dikee molod will produce religious messages such as the utterance of the only god (monotheism), blessing (shalawat) upon the prophet, and the expression of joy and gladness of the birth of Prophet. In addition, religious messages have been influencing the life of Aceh people in terms of faith (iman) enhancement upon Allah and Rasulullah; influence toward the obedience upon the law (syariat) of Allah and sunnah of Rasulullah; and third the art of dikee molod ritual can be preserved not only by the networks of ritual meaning of dikee being recognised in the society that shows the function in a cultural event, but also caused by the reproduction of rituals carried out by interested parties and are rooted in a social system.

Keywords: religiosity, dikee molod, ritual practice, Dayah, Aceh

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