The Effect of Locus of Control, Emotional Intelligence, and Organizational Climate on Nurse Work Stress in Outpatient Clinics of Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospital


The aim of this research is to study the direct effect of locus of control (LoC), emotional intelligence (EI) and organizational climate (OC) on nurse work stress (WS) and the indirect effect of LoC and EI effect on WS through OC in Outpatient Clinics of Prof. Dr. R.D. Kandou Hospital. There are 5 research hypothesis have been stated, they are 1) LoC (X1) effects WS (Y); 2) EI (X2) effects WS (Y); 3) OC (X3) effects WS (Y); 4) LoC (X1) effects OC (X3); and 5) EI (X2) effects OC (X3). A survey method was used with causal techniques, and the influence between different variables was evaluated using path analysis. The objects of this research are 62 nurses. All data was obtained by distributing questionnaires. The results found that the LoC had a direct effect on WS and had an indirect effect on WS through OC. The EI had a direct effect on WS but had not an indirect effect on WS through OC. Based on these findings above, it can be concluded that 4 of the 5 research hypotheses have been significantly proven, they are the effects of LoC (X1), EI (X2), and OC (X3) on WS (Y), and the effect of LoC on OC. One of the 5 research hypothesis, that is the effect of EI (X2) on OC (X3) has not been proven.

Keywords: nurse work stress, locus of control, emotional intelligence, and organizational climate

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