Labanotation-Based Motion Literation Teaching Materials To Diagnow Intelligent Kinestetic Students In Junior High Schools Through E-Learning


This study aims to produce labanotation-based motion literacy teaching materials to diagnose the kinesthetic intelligence of students in junior high schools through e-learning. This research method uses a design procedure with validation of eligibility by six experts in the learning materials of labanotation-based motion literacy through qualitative e-learning. The level of agreement (reliability) among the six assessors can be explained by calculating the reliability coefficient between the assessors using the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (by using the SPSS version 16 program assistance). The results of the study suggest thnis educational approach can be utilized by arts and culture teachers in dance learning, using learning media and communication media with students to discover kinesthetic intelligence in a fun way.

Keywords: teaching materials, motion literacy, labanotation

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