Influencing Factors to the Family Welfare in Mulyasejati Village Torwards Citarum Harum


Family welfare is largely influenced by internal, external and family management factors. Internal family factors that affect welfare include: income, education, employment, number of family members, age, asset ownership and savings; while external factors that affect prosperity are easy financial access to financial institutions, access to government assistance, easy access to goods / equipment credit and location of residence. Meanwhile, elements. This study aims to get the demography profile of social, economy the villagers in Mulyasejati. examine the factors that influence family welfare in the village of Mulyasejati. This research uses a quantitative approach with cross-sectional design by questionnaire taken from 90 family heads. Data analysis uses multiple regression. The results showed the relationship of internal factors on family welfare obtained R =.487 with a significance level =.000 <0.05 then there is a relationship of internal factors on family welfare, the relationship of external factors on family welfare obtained a value of R =.528 with a significance level =.027 <0.05, then there is a relationship between external factors on family well-being, management factors on family well-being obtained R =.559 with a significance level =.043 <0.05, then there is a relationship between management factors on family welfare. Factors affecting family welfare are internal factors 23.7%, external factors 4.2%, and family management 3.4%.

Keywords: family welfare internal factors, family welfare external factors, family management, family welfare

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