The Analysis of Cognitive and Psychomotor Domains in Basic Competence in the Subject of Land Measurement Engineering in Curriculum Vocational Schools - Area of Expertise Construction and Property


This study considers the cognitive and psychomotor domains on basic competency, specifically those related to land measurement techniques taught in vocational schools. Qualitative research methods are combined with the content analysis approach. The results showed that there were 20 basic competencies which students had to learn for land measurement. As a cognitive domain, there are 10 competencies with details of 7 basic competencies referring to the C3 level (applying), 1 basic competency at the C4 level (analyzing), and 2 basic competencies at the C5 level (evaluating). In the psychomotor domain, there are 7 basic competencies at level P2 (manipulation), 2 basic competencies at P3 (precision) and 1 basic competency at level P4 (articulation). It can be concluded that there is a balance in the ability of the cognitive and psychomotor domains on the basic competencies of subjects in land measurement techniques in Curriculum vocational school area of expertise Construction and Property.

Keywords: (Competence, Cognitive and Psychomotor)

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