Green Campus As a Concept in Creating Sustainable Campuses


The concept of green campus is an integration concept in the Education research and community service system in environmental management. The objectives of this
study are: (1) To find out the results of studies in several universities in Indonesia, whether this concept has a good impact on the process of creating a sustainable
campus; (2) Knowing what obstacles are faced by the campus in applying the concept of green campus. This research method uses qualitative analysis with a literature study approach. Based on the results of the analysis on several campuses in Indonesia, it is known that the application of the green campus concept is very effective to be applied specially to manage the campus environment so that the creation of a sustainable campus. The most common obstacle is lack of knowledge about green campus and campus readiness to commit to protecting the environment. The need for the readiness of the campus management and students themselves on the importance of protecting the environment and creating a sustainable campus.

Keywords: green campus, sustainable campus, environmental management

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