Curriculum Management and Graduate Outcomes in the Animation Game Study Program


The Animation Study Program is part of the Art and Design degree from the Faculty of Letters State University of Malan. It is designed to offer guidance to professional beginners in the animation world and applied media, allowing graduates to apply for roles such as a 2D/3D Animator,Character Designer, beginner Developer in Animation Industry, Game Designer/Multimedia, beginner Developer of Game Industry, Game Asset Designer. The graduates from Animation program study gain particular expertise in 3D animation games and using Indonesian local culture. The course also emphasizes education-based animation games in global context and insteal entrepreneurship for the graduates. The goal of this study is to analyze the curriculum and graduate achievement in the animation game study program. This research used a qualitative study case with a descriptive approach. Documentation and interviews were used to collect data. The analysis of data used a descriptive approach. Results of the study show that the curriculum used in Animation Game program is designed based on the graduates in diploma D1, D2, D3, and D4. They are in D1 (Asset Game Operator), D2 (Young Asset Game Designer), D3 (Young Game Designer), and D4 (Senior Game Designer). Meanwhile, the animation field is divided into D1 (Asset Animation Operator), D2 (2D/3D Young Animator), D3 (2D/3D Senior Animator), and D4 (2D/3D Lead Animator).

Keywords: Curriculum, Graduates Outcome, Animation Game

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