Design of Tourism Mountain Travel Luggage Based on Augmented Reality Technology As a Media Optimization of Tourism Facilities


Mount Bromo is a famous tourist destination. 2.239 meters above sea level, this site brings around 1,500 tourists each day, of which 10% are foreign, drawn by the combination of natural and cultural beauties. Tourists are charged an entrance ticket of Rp.30.000 for local tourists and Rp. 300.000 for foreign tourists. Yet, the facilities provided are the same, and foreign tourists can feel cheated. To avert this, this study suggests that additional facilities must be provided for foreign tourists and also as a method for promotion abroad. For this reason, a Luggage Tag is provided which can be a virtual tour guide with international languages based on Augmented Reality (AR). In making this product, several stages are carried out including market research conducted at the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. With this product, the higher ticket price for foreign tourists is explained in the form of a virtual tour guide facility. In addition, this product can be sold as merchandise - a suitcase tag that can still display AR even if taken away from Mount Bromo. This functions as a marketing tool, attracting further foreign tourists to Mount Bromo in the future.

Keywords: Mount Bromo, Foreign Tourists, Augmented Reality, Luggage Tag

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