Interior Performance Art


Interiors contain a wealth of innovations that are not purely the preserve of interior designers and decorators. The use of materials, concept development, lighting management, and processing of elements fall within the purview of interior design media. However performing art is a work of art that involves individual or group actions in a certain place and time. Performance art generally involves elements of the artist’s time, space, and body as part of the work. Raising the idea of interior performance art is an innovation in the use of media for the expression of living things as part of the field of interior design work. This study explores this concept, considering performance art as an expression of the relationship between interior design and performing art as a whole that moves together, holistic, interlocking and creating an interesting arrangement of spatial stories. Space is an experience. Space is a story of life and space comes to life when it is interpreted, touched, designed as part of an engaging performance art.

Keywords: interior, performing art, space, expression

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