Glass Artworks of the Naive Artist Albert Korovkin


Naïve art is still under-represented in Russian museum and professional art institutions, with the works and heritage by many artists remaining under-exhibited and underresearched. Albert Korovkin (1935) is an artist whose name features in the World Encyclopaedia of Naive Art. His works entered the collection of the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts as part of the gift from Yevgeny Roizman. Among the donated works, there were about 50 pieces of glass-blowing art. Korovkin worked as a glassblower at the Institute of the Ural Scientific Centre, where he manufactured scientific equipment, but did not have a professional glassblower education. Since the collector did not register attribution data at the time of the acquisition of works, any information on the technology of manufacturing works, as well as a comparative analysis of the series of paintings and glass-blowing works, is relevant. This article presents an attempt of such an analysis providing relevant information on the artist’s background, style and technique.

Keywords: amateur art, artistic glass, glass-blowing technique, glass staining

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