Expert Role of Regional Museum for the Projects of Public Spaces Improvement


This article considers the experience of improving public spaces of one of the small towns in Sverdlovsk region – the city of Krasnoufimsk. The topic of urban improvement is a serious challenge for our country. When designing public areas, it is important to consider the features of the city, its history, uniqueness, opinion of the population. Several tasks can be solved through the improvement of the city: the development of a comfortable urban environment, attracting tourists and preserving the cultural heritage. The choice of certain landscaping projects in most cases requires historical and cultural examination. Cultural workers should also act as experts in the public space reconstruction project. This article reflects on a similar experience during the reconstruction project of the Ufa river embankment in the central district of Krasnoufimsk, when employees of the regional museum were invited to participate. The text presents examples of filling the space of the embankment with hidden meanings from the regional history. The authors are of the opinion that representatives of museum community in modern society are not only keepers of the past, but also creators of the future image of the city.

Keywords: public spaces, urban landscaping, small town, cultural heritage, historical and cultural expertise, local history museum

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