An Analysis of Economic Performance on Community Welfare


One of the ways in which the government in Central Kalimantan Province moves the regional economy is to develop an expansionary region which is expected to be able to further improve the economy of the community with the potential to support the pace of economic growth in the region for the welfare of its people. The aim of this study was to analyze The Economic Performance of Community Welfare in the Development District of Central Kalimantan in 2010-2017. This study uses a quantitative method and panel data. Proxy Economic Performance is a variable of Economic Growth, Unemployment Rate and Poverty Level as an independent variable, Community Welfare is proxied to be the Human Development Index as the dependent variable. The results of the study show that partially Economic Growth and Unemployment Rate do not significantly influence Community Welfare while the Poverty Level affects the Welfare of the Community. Simultaneously Economic Growth, Unemployment Rate,and Poverty Level have a significant effect on communityWelfare.


Keywords: Economic Performance; Economic Growth; Unemployment Rate; Poverty Level; Community Welfare


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