Analysis of Factors Affecting Behavioral Intention to Use E-Learning Uses the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology Approach


The purpose of this study isto analyze the influence of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, perceived creadibility, and anxiety on e-learning behavioral intention to use who are moderated by experience and voluntariness of use.The study population was 215 students who used e-learning in the Accounting Department of SMK N 1 Karanganyar. The sample selection using Slovin method with an error rate of 5% and sampling area technique obtained by respondents as many as 140 students. The technique of collecting data using a questionnaire. Data analysis techniques used descriptive statistical analysis and SEM-PLS. Data analysis tool using WarpPLS 5.0.The results of the descriptive statistical analysis show that the behavioral intention to use e-learning, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, perceived creativity, anxiety, experience and voluntariness of use are in the sufficient category. Hypothesis test results show the influence of performance expectancy on e-learning behavioral intention to use, effort expectancy does not affect the behavioral e-learning intention to use, social influence has an effect on behavioral e-learning intention to use, facilitating conditions have no effect on behavioral intention to Using e-learning, perceived creativity does not affect e-learning behavior, anxiety influences the behavioral intention to use e-learning, voluntary moderating negative social influences the behavioral e-learning intention to use, experience moderates the effect of effort expectancy on The behavior of e-learning intention to use, experience does not moderate the influence of social influence on the behavioral e-learning intention to use, experience does not moderate the effect of facilitating conditions on e-learning behavioral intention to use e-learning the conclusion of this study states that of the ten hypotheses proposed there are five types of hypotheses accepted.

Keywords: E-learning, Behavioral Intention, UTAUT.

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