Government Spending, Gross Domestic Product, Human Development Index (Evidence from East Java Province)


Government spending is expected to improve the Human Development Index (HDI) in order to increase public welfare. Theoretically, if the number of government expenditure is increasing then the Human Development Index (HDI) will be higher as well. Based on earlier research, it was found few differences about the result of influence Government spending to Human Index. The purpose of the study was to analyze the influence of government spending and Gross Domestic Product to the Human Development Index of East Java Province (during 2014-2017). The research method using descriptive quantitative approach. Local government expenditures were analyzed by direct local government spending by looking at three aspects namely employees expenditure, spending on goods and services, and capital expenditures. Whereas, for the GDP per capita income is analyzed based on three aspects: production, income, and expenditure. Then the human development index to see the effects of these two variables based on three dimensions that exist in the human development index healthiness dimensions, dimensions of knowledge, and economic dimensions. The results showed that the local government spending income and the GDP per capita income has a significant effect on the human development index. Government spending has a significant influence on the educational dimension, while GDP per capita has a significant effect on the purchasing power of people thus affecting the economic dimension.

Keywords: Government spending, Gross Domestic Product, Human Development Index

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